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Friday, June 5, 2015

Getting Started : The Questions and Features Available

The 9 Golden STEPS TO MAKE CASH instantly.

Just Follow the 9 steps/short cuts given below.Whenever i asked to click a Link, Open it in a new Browser or Window.Dont Just read the blog,Start doing the tips mentioned at the same time of reading itself.

Step 1. You may have less idea about SFIMG.

 First sign up to SFIMG using this link  http://sfifreejoin.ml/home.html
(Provide valid email address and communication address .They can send you the cheques only if its a valid communication address )

**Always Open the links in a new tab or new window.Else its difficult for you to come back to this page and check again**

Step 2. You are logged in now.You need to confirm your email account .Check your email address for a confirmation email from SFIMG.Click the link for confirmation in that mail and activate your SFIMG account by clicking that link.It may take 1 minute.(If you didnt find the email in you Inbox within few minutes, check your email spam folder or junk folder)
*** The instant when your mail account is confirmed,u will get 400 versa points .Ur goal is to get 1500 versa points !!
(click "Continue ",or) directly open https://www.sfimg.com/Home.sfi after confirming email ID to start earning ***

Step 3.Now you are on the SFI home page.Already you got 402 points.Ur goal is to make that 1500 versa points.
For that open the following link https://www.sfimg.com/Resources/Refer.sfi , and click on the V shaped Green Button showing on the top right side corner of the page.You will get a messgae "50, versa points are awarded, click here to go to the Home page".Step 2 Over

***After completing this task you will get 50 versa points and your overall versa point is 452, U can check the Home pages to see your current versa points, rank etc ***

Step 4.Now open https://www.sfimg.com/Resources/Sponsor.sfi and you need to click that Green Button again., as in the STEP 3
***After completing this stage your Overall versa points become 502.***

Step 5.Now open the following links one by one and Click on the Green button as you done before for earning the points

1. https://www.sfimg.com/HelpDesk/GettingStartedFaq.sfi
2 .https://www.sfimg.com/Reference/AboutSFI.sfi
3. https://www.sfimg.com/Reference/CompPlan.sfi
4. https://www.sfimg.com/Reference/ComparisonChart.sfi
5. https://www.sfimg.com/Reference/Glossary.sfi
6 .https://www.sfimg.com/MyAccount/ExecBonus.sfi
**Now you earned 120 versa points and your overall versa points may be above 620. Dont stop, proceed.**

7. https://www.sfimg.com/Income/showIndex.sfi
8. https://www.sfimg.com/Training/showIndex.sfi
9 .https://www.sfimg.com/Reference/showIndex.sfi
10 .https://www.sfimg.com/Input/showIndex.sfi
11. https://www.sfimg.com/Leaders/showIndex.sfi
12 . https://www.sfimg.com/PowerTools/showIndex.sfi
13 .https://www.sfimg.com/MyAccount/showIndex.sfi
14. https://www.sfimg.com/MyAccount/MyReports.sfi
15. https://www.sfimg.com/Reference/AskGeryArchive.sfi

**Now You crossed 700 points.Continue, till you reach 1500**

16 .https://www.sfimg.com/Training/FollowUp.sfi
17. https://www.sfimg.com/Training/Duplication.sfi
18. https://www.sfimg.com/Training/YourRole.sfi
19 .https://www.sfimg.com/Training/CoopMagic.sfi
20. https://www.sfimg.com/Training/GiftCertificates.sfi
21. https://www.sfimg.com/Reference/AskGery020907.sfi
22 .https://www.sfimg.com/Reference/AskGery020207.sfi
23. https://www.sfimg.com/Reference/AskGery010507.sfi
24 . https://www.sfimg.com/Reference/SFIInternational.sfi

** Your target is earning 1500 versa points.Now you earned about 800 versa points.The total time u required to the above may be 12 minutes**

Step 6. So you crossed half way.Complete your SFI profile next.Completing the profile is so simple.
Open https://www.sfimg.com/SmartStartAffiliateSurvey.sfi
Just fill the coloums.Dont forget to fill every coloum.
***By completing the affiliate profile, u will get 100 points ***

Step 7. I am intrested to Know the feedback from you.Open https://www.sfimg.com/Resources/PRReadyToGo.sfi , Here you Need to send your feed back to me.Just Type your feedback,complete the form , and Submit.
***You will get 50 versa points for doing this***

Step 8. Open https://www.sfimg.com/Redirect.jsp?l=%2Fmyaccount%2FdotdEmail.php and Subscribe to email alerts.A lot of items are listed in this page.Select some items if u wish.
***You will get 100 versa points for doing this ***

**Hurray...Now you crossed 1000 versa points.Oly 500 more points needed .**

Step 9. Now Its time to participate in SFI launchpad quiz competition.Its so easy.There are 1 question, and 4 choices.U can do any number of attempts, and there is no negative marks.U will get points when you select write answer from the choice,
ok, check quiz question 1by opening

1 .https://www.sfimg.com/LaunchPad/Day1.sfi

select a choice and click SUBMIT.If you select the correct answer it shows "Congratulations, VERSA POINTS ARE AWARDED ",U can close the window and proceed to next "Link" then.


U got More than 1500 versa points....!!


By clicking just 60 links, by spending a 30 minutes you earned more than you expected .....You crossed 1500 versa points .....And you are now eleigible for "versa point rewards" and also you are a participant in the Lucky contest worth 1000 $ now.
Check the Home page for seeing your Current points, rank etc...

Ultimately You Got the power Of reffering new affiliates .You Became an EA or executive affiliate now. Just refer new Peoples to this website,and earn share from there references also.Check the website for more details

** .You will get a share from revenue from nowonwards .The details about the benefits can be read in https://www.sfimg.com/Reference/ComparisonChart.sfi .U will also get revenue from referring or Joining new new people to the website**

***If u wish to earn more versa points and therby earn more income, Login to SFIMG, take home page and read the "Do List ".You can earn extra income by uploading a photo,Sending commitment message to sponsor etc. All the necessary tips to catch the further points are given in the "DO-LIST" of the SFI home page ***

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